Crisis / Emergency Care

We provide specifically trained and professional staff to supervise and support children in times of need. Our staff are experienced in effectively managing challenging behaviours and have training in various areas including Trauma Informed Care, Cultural Sensitivity and Awareness and First Aid. We recognise that staff consistency is key to developing routine and rapport for children in these times of change in their environment. 

As an accredited agency with the Office of Children's Guardian (OCG), Kids out West provides the child or young person with a small, high caliber care team who adopt an  intensive approach to the complex impacts of abuse, neglect, and separation from families and significant others. This is achieved through the provision of a care environment that is evidence driven, culturally responsive, and provides positive, safe and healing relationships and experiences to address the complexities of trauma, attachment, and developmental needs.   

This service is available across New South Wales, contact us today for more information.